
African Folktales Recommendations

Book Cover of African Folktales


When I was a child I remember being read a set of African animal fables and that’s what the Anansi stories and “The People Could Fly” reminded me of. The stories came from a book that may have been The Zebra’s Stripes and Other African Animal Tales by Dianne Stewart and Kathy Pienaar. If not, that book is very similar and I would recommend it if you would like to explore more stories like Anansi’s. These stories are meant to be educational and do so by “explaining” how animals became the way they are. The stories are fun and light hearted, enjoy!

I have read fairytales and fables from a number of different cultures that I think others would enjoy if they liked this episode. I really enjoy The Great Fairy Tale Tradition selected and edited by Jack Zipes. It features tales from Straparola, Basile, and the Brothers Grimm who wrote from different parts of Europe in different eras. These stories are more adult than the fable type tales of this episode, if you would like something a little more grim, pun intended.

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Episode 5: October 5th, 2016

Chris Silverberg poses with Erin and Claire for Wishbonafide's episode 5

We walk that walk and talk that talk, or at least try our best, in Episode 5 about select African folk tales and Wishbone’s “Bark That Bark.” Special guest Chris Silverberg joins Wishbonafide for some valuable life lessons from tricksy Anansi the Spider and The People Who Could Fly in this musically lit episode.

Watch parts 1, 2 and 3 of the TV episode.

About Our Guest

Chris Silverberg is a native of Plano, TX (where Wishbone was filmed!) and graduated from Columbia University. He now lives and works in New York City as a writer, producer, and notably an Assistant Editor on the same show as Claire.

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